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Keeping Your Pets Safe in Winter

In winter, your pets will have very different needs to those they will have in the summer. Whilst they may well have their very own coat on all the time, even the hardiest of us would not want to spend a great deal of time out in the snow and ice, no matter how thick our coat was.

Our cats and dogs are no different, and whilst they might enjoy brief periods of time playing out in the ice and snow, it is important that they also have plenty of access to warmth and shelter, not just at night but also during the day too.

However, it is not just shelter and extra bedding that will be important when the temperatures drop. Not only will your pet need access to even better quality food to ensure that they are healthy enough to stand the cold and that their fur is plentiful and warm, but they will also need to be supervised when out and about even more than normal.

When it comes to food, it may be worth checking with your vet about the best foods to feed a pet over the colder months or even simply visiting an online pet food store to see what they might recommend. The difference between nutritious pet food and generic pet food can be vast, and your pet may well not only be healthier and warmer in winter with the right food, but they may also simply be happier too.

When it comes to playful or mischievous animals, be sure to keep them away from frozen water, as even ice that seems very stable could be very weak at certain points, leading to a great amount of danger for both your pet and even yourself should you try to help them.

Just a few changes to how you look after your pet in winter could make a huge difference to both how happy and indeed how safe they are.