2 mins read

New Chairs in Old Churches

Many churches are encountering the problem of how to place new chairs in an old building. In a space as architecturally beautiful as a church, there should ideally be a seamless continuation between the structure of the building and the furniture. However, in the case of old pews needing to be replaced, or extra seating being required so that churches can continue to increase their potential, perhaps as meeting or concert venues, new chairs may need to be added. The question is how can this be done without ruining the look of the church?

When churches first started replacing wooden pews, many went for cheapest option of plastic chairs without realising that, often, cheapest is not best. For the sake of keeping a place special and aesthetically pleasing, a little more (although not a huge amount) may need to be invested.

Today, there are many more options available to churches, with some seat companies now specialising in church chairs. The secret to getting it right is just taking a little time to think about what will be best for both the church and the congregation.

Church seats will be sat on by people of all ages for a variety of functions, ranging from weekly services, weddings, civic ceremonies and even concerts. Ideally they will therefore need to both look in keeping with the building and offer comfort for attendees at all of these occasions.

Chairs that stack are a good option for churches as they can easily be cleared away when a large floor space is needed as well as the fact that they come in many different varieties. Stackable chairs intended specifically for churches are available and are designed to be in keeping with any style, being available in a variety of fabrics and colours, with or without arms and with metal of wooden frames. With all the options available, trying find chairs that can both offer comfort and unobtrusively sit amongst the beautiful architecture of the building, no longer needs to be a daunting task.