The Graves of Tabacco

The Graves of Tabacco Cigarette smoking is a major factor in diseases that affect the heart, the circulatory system, and the lungs. The use of tobacco has changed over the years. Pipes, cigars, chewing Tabacco, cigarettes, and snuff have been in fashion at different times in history.

3 mins read

Increase Energy Level

We have all felt this way, tired, run down, lazy. Some days we just want to stay in bed and others, it’s just a chore to go through our daily routine. We may think what we need is more rest at night, a few naps during the day. When you feel tired you automatically assume […]

5 mins read

The Secrets of Buisness

What the ” Max Amsterdam says that “Business is the art of extracting money from another man’s pocket without resorting to violence. Literally business is considered as activity but to perform economic activity. Well, it is tact of expand your business. No one can think about business without thinking about what, when, how ,why, and […]

2 mins read

UR Accounts Payable

Accounts Payable You’ve got bills to keep track of, and you don’t want anyone sending the collection’s people after you. A sound business always keep on top of who it has to pay and how much. Accounts Payable Software is a workhorse when it comes to keeping on top of who you owe.

1 min read

Voice Over IP

IP Telephony also called Internet telephony, is the technology that makes it possible to have a telephone conversation where the signal is carried over the Internet or a dedicated network in Internet Protocol (I P) packets, instead of over dedicated voice transmission lines. This allows the elimination of circuit switching and the associated waste of […]

1 min read

Abilene Network

Abilene Network is the U.S. high-performance backbone network created by Internet2. Over 220 member institutions participate in Abilene, mostly universities with some corporate and affiliate institutions, in all of the US states as well as the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. When established in 1999, the Abilene network backbone had a capacity of 2.5 […]

1 min read