Additional SIA training needed for door staff
There are a great number of people working as Door Supervisors these days, with clubs, pubs and bars increasingly concerned with protecting their customers and their premises. However, door supervisors in the UK need to ensure their security training is up to scratch, as a new restriction comes into force from the government.
New award introduced
From February 2013, the new ‘Up-Skilling for Door Supervisors’ award will be introduced. Any door supervisors who qualified before summer 2010 and are wishing to renew their SIA licence are required to achieve a pass.
Discussing the introduction of the new award, Tony Holyland from the Home Office said:
“In the interest of public safety, additional training, which includes physical intervention, will be a compulsory requirement for anyone who has not already completed it when they renew their licence. Being trained in the appropriate techniques and how to use them will help door staff to manage difficult situations, minimising the risk of injury to members of the public and to themselves.”
Holyland also went on to explain that letters will be sent to door supervisors who require their licences renewed. This correspondence will be to encourage those needing extra training to ensure they have the correct qualifications.
Award already available
The new award has been available from SIA training providers since its introduction, with many security staff having achieved it. Only those workers qualifying pre-June 2012 will need to complete the additional training. Those qualifying post June-2012 have already passed.
As well as training for physical-intervention, the new award also calls for first aid skills and awareness of terrorist threats to be demonstrated. Additionally, the management of young people is assessed.
The additional award can be achieved through a one day training course on site with a provider, as well as self-study sessions completed in the worker’s own time.