A Haven of Class in a House Full of Kids
Having a tidy house and having children can often feel mutually exclusive, and as such many individuals find that, once they procreate, they lose the sense of style that once defined their home. In turn, a home can feel less personal and unique and many people can find that their house is no longer a sanctuary but instead just a source of great frustration.
However, there are plenty of ways to keep your sense of style and still allow your children to play as much as they want.
The first thing to do is to make sure that there are specific rooms in which toys are kept, and that in each of these rooms there is sufficient and focussed storage, bought specifically with toys in mind.
However, even when such toys are kept to specific rooms, buying expensive ornaments or utilising certain colours in the home may still seem to be a no-no since they will be at great risk of (accidentally) becoming damaged.
However, from the use of vintage dressing table accessories to the addition of attractive artwork to the walls in your home, there will be plenty of places that can remain havens of class in amongst even the fullest of homes.
In your own bedroom, you will have far more control over how things look and how tidy they are, and one’s dressing table is likely to be the perfect thing to accessorise to be both practical and extremely beautiful. The right dressing table accessories can make those first moments in the morning far more pleasing to the eye and far more rewarding, and can set one’s sense of calm for the day.
In the rest of the home, the likes of artwork that can be placed well out of childish reach will be the perfect way to retain some class in the home without demanding that children avoid certain rooms, leaving your kids happier and your home more attractive at the same time.