A modern office needs magic glass
Office space is important on a number of different levels. Firstly it needs to impress aesthetically. Visitors will draw their own conclusions when they visit. Potential customers and associates need to be impressed. They want to partner with a successful and dynamic company that’s really going places. A dingy office doesn’t give the right impression. Secondly a great space helps workers to stay motivated and productive. The right environment will foster a great spirit and encourage hard work. And finally it needs to be functional too. The world of work is changing and modern office space needs to reflect this.
The days of the cubicle and the tower PC are numbered. Technology is portable and wireless. People move around much more. They can just touch down and work anywhere. Modern offices are more open plan than they used to be. It’s really liberating. But there’s still a need for privacy, for things like meetings and one to one reviews for example. There’s no getting away from this fact.
Privacy glass is a neat solution. It allows the division of rooms and space without spoiling the cutting edge look and feel of the modern office. It’s a practical design feature that looks amazing too. At the flick of a switch managers can cordon off a room for a private meeting. When they’re done, they can just put things back the way they were. As if by magic.
Magic class is becoming an essential part of modern office design. It’s a great way to divide up space neatly in a stunning and convenient way. Visitors are bound to be impressed and it’s the perfect way to create privacy as and when required. A stylish office needs glass to match. Glass that means privacy can be turned on and off whenever it is needed.