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Anyone who has ever been taken ill or had an accident at work will testify to the importance of having trained first aiders on standby in the workplace. Employers have both a legal and moral duty of care towards their staff. It’s vitally important to make sure that systems of work are as safe as possible and that workers aren’t exposed to risk and hazards unnecessarily.
If a business view safety as a hindrance or drain on resources, that’s when problems start. It’s actually an investment in a better way to work. If an organisation cuts corners on safety then accidents are more likely to happen. This means an increase in absence, possible compensation payouts, poor morale and a negative impact on the reputation of the organisation with suppliers, customers and the general public. Safety spending is an investment and one that has a positive impact on the way the business is run and perceived. It’s good for business.
First aid training helps to put safeguards in place. Even with robust safety systems in place accidents can still happen. When they do first aiders are there to help pick up the pieces. They can stop a minor incident turning into something much nastier and when something serious happens they provide vital first line support before paramedics can be on the scene.
By attending first aid courses employees pick up valuable new skills and help to make the workplace safer for everyone. Anyone can volunteer. They don’t need any prior knowledge or experience. If there’s any sort of gap in provision then employers need to invest in training. First aiders are essential in the modern workplace. They could even save someone’s life. It’s essential to find a quality training provider and to make sure each building and department has a trained first aider on standby just in case.