Contemporary Silver Rings
When it comes to jewellery and rings, you will find that there is a massive range of them available.
Exquisite Diamond Earrings
When it comes to buying any type of jewellery, there are usually pieces you can buy on both ends of the price scale.
The Fashion Cycle
Everyone knows that fashion is cyclical. What was in 20 or 30 years ago has a habit of coming back into fashion. People even joke that if you wait long enough and manage to keep the pounds off you can wear the fashions of your youth, second time around.
Invest in a Good Coat This Winter
Given the awful summer we have had, it is unlikely that we will have a mild winter. In fact, some are forecasting a very harsh winter ahead. Forecasters believe that this year’s unprecedented loss of arctic sea ice will result in harsh conditions. In the past, when the ice in the arctic sea has melted […]
The Beauty of Woven Rings
If you are looking for a special ring that looks a bit different, you cannot go far wrong with a woven or braided ring. They are truly beautiful, very different, but not radically so. Therefore, they will suit practically anyone from any age group.
Diamond Rings Still Say it All
The saying ‘diamonds are forever’ is one that is still widely used. It is one of the cleverest marketing slogans out there. The slogan was first thought of and used to market diamonds in 1947 by DeBeers.