Does Acupuncture Really Work?
Up until recently there had been very little scientific evidence that acupuncture made any real difference to the health or positivity of a person. Whilst the case studies seemed to show that many people were indeed cured of all types of maladies through visiting acupuncture clinics, the sceptics still believed that it was merely a placebo and that the most powerful aspect of the procedure was all in the mind.
Whether placebo or not, positive physical and mental changes are always going to be good and therefore getting acupuncture in London would still be beneficial for many even if there is limited scientific proof at this stage. Although this may be changing, a new study seems to have conclusively shown that acupuncture really does reduce pain and help people to deal with or recover from all kinds of different conditions.
Just as our muscles respond positively to a massage, our tissue and brain will react accordingly when certain areas of the body are stimulated, and proof of acupuncture’s benefits seem to have arrived with the revelation that it shows far better and far more consistent results than a placebo would.
In fact, the new study has also shown that, for certain conditions such as asthma and arthritis, acupuncture is actually likely to be twice as effective as taking medication.
Therefore, for those who not only want to avoid pumping their bodies full of chemicals, but also for those who simply want to get the most effective and focussed treatment for their illness or malady, visiting a London acupuncture clinic is likely to be the best way to get the best results.
The process has proven as effective on those who are sceptics as those who are desperate to believe. Proof maybe that the results are greater than placebo alone. It could therefore be considered the first port of call for individuals that need help with a wide range of medical problems.