Getting Ready for Major Sporting Events
When you’re scheduled to take part in any type of major sporting event, it’s imperative to prepare in the right way. However, this doesn’t just apply to the day of the event itself; you will need to train effectively from day one if you’re to avoid sustaining injuries that could rule you out of the event altogether.
No matter how fit you are, it’s always sensible to start gently and gradually increase the amount of training over time. You’re not going to be able to run a marathon on your first run, so don’t overdo it – you’re only going to increase the likelihood of injury. Of course, it’s important to push yourself, but always be aware of your limitations. You need to build your tolerance and fitness gradually instead of going full throttle straight away.
It may also be wise to visit a physio in the run up to the event. There are great physiotherapists all over the country but if you live in London, then a physio in SW18 or SW19 is a good choice. Not only will they help you to keep your muscles in the best condition or suggest specific exercises to help you improve your personal fitness, but they will also be able to flag up any potential problems and identify areas that may need extra focus to help you avoid injury.
In the run up to the event, make sure you avoid alcohol and that you get plenty of rest. This will keep you refreshed and maximise your performance, and also make you less likely to pick up any last minute injuries.
Finally, try to avoid buying brand new footwear or clothing in the run up to the event. If you’ve done all of your training in a particular type of apparel then stick to that as it’s what you’re used to training in.