Make an impression with plastic business cards
Business people are always on the look out for new opportunities and leads. They have to be switched on as the next business opportunity could present itself at any time and not necessarily in a work setting. Business cards are a great way of exchanging contact details with an interested party who could just be ready to put some work their way.
Business cards are always flying about at meetings and networking events. When designing personalised business cards it’s important to come up with something that makes an impression. It needs to tell people about the product or service in a succinct and catchy way, plus it must stand out. Ordinary or second rate cards just get filed away only to be forgotten about. A good card stays near the top of the pile. And in a competitive world where businesses are competing to be seen, that’s essential.
When it comes to cards most people think about traditional printed ones, but even quality card isn’t that durable. Plastic business cards make sense on so many different levels. They’re eye catching, they last and people are more likely to hold on to them. They look more like a credit card than an ordinary business card. They certainly stand out and if people are likely to hang on to them then that can only be a good thing.
A specialist provider can mock up a great design and then print off plastic cards at very reasonable rates. Using plastic instead of card doesn’t cost that much more and that extra investment can really pay off. Handing out cards can be a great source of new work and opportunities. Stand out from the crowd by using plastic. Forget writing a phone number or email address on a scrap of paper. This is the way to go.