Make the switch to an e cigarette
In countries like the UK the social tide has really turned against smoking. It’s hard to believe that just a generation ago people could smoke pretty much anywhere. Planes and trains had smoking sections and carriages, people could light up in the cinema and workers would routinely smoke at their desks. How times chance. There’s now a blanket ban on smoking indoors, even in pubs and clubs. Look outside any office or any bar and they they all are, the smokers, huddled together in all weathers trying to enjoy a cigarette.
What many people don’t realise is that nicotine is relatively harmless. Think of it as being like caffeine. A little hit or pick me up. What makes cigarettes so harmful is the other things that manufacturers put in them and the delivery method. It’s things like tar that make them so dangerous to health. And the by product is smoke, which is so unpleasant and harmful to everyone else.
An electronic cigarette is actually a really clever idea. It retains the delivery of the nicotine, but eliminates all the harmful and anti-social elements of smoking. People can enjoy this product without the same health risks and without impacting on others, which means that they can “smoke” indoors.
An e cigarette accurately simulates smoking, even down to water vapour instead of smoke, but in a much more socially acceptable and less harmful way. Forget smoking bans and shivering out in the cold and rain. This product can be enjoyed anywhere.
When it comes to smoking more and more people are giving up. It’s a habit that’s starting to die out. Why not make the switch to the electronic alternative? It’s cheaper, more socially acceptable and less harmful. There’s three compelling reasons right there to give up traditional cigarettes and go smokeless instead.