Should You Theme a Christening?
A Christening is a very important event in the life of a child, and just as importantly in the life of new parents. Whether the family is religious and wants to ensure that their child has the best possible start in their religious life or even whether they simply wish to have a more informal naming ceremony to bring family and friends together and to celebrate the birth of the child, there will be many reasons why a Christening will be important.
As such, many people choose to theme their Christenings, ensuring that everything from the decorations and décor on the day are aesthetically linked to everything else from Christening cards to the food that is served. But do you really need to theme such an event?
There will be benefits of having a theme, and not only might the right theme help people to choose gifts more easily, but settling on a theme may also help people decide how to dress and know in advance whether the event will be a formal or a causal one.
However, themes are not a must and those who simply wish to get people together to celebrate the life they have created (and have one big party before they get down to the reality of being parents to an infant) may find that just sending cheap Christening invitations will be enough and that the day itself is important enough without having to turn it into some big choreographed spectacle.
So, ultimately, the answer will be different for almost each individual, and choosing whether or not to theme every element of a Christening should simply come down to personal taste. However, from the moment someone receives their invitation to the event, they will have an idea what the day will be like based on the invitation itself, so if you are planning to theme your event, be sure to do so right from the very start.