Why Move to Cyprus?
There are many reasons why individuals might choose to move to Cyprus, ranging from the obvious (who wouldn’t want to live in a country that has so much sunshine) through to the more obscure (value systems can play a huge part in some people’s choice of destination when looking to emigrate and Cyprus is a country whose values revolve around close family units).
However, it is not just the sunshine and way of life which make Cyprus an appealing destination, although they certainly will be a big factor. With many more days of sunshine than the UK, individuals may well find they are both happier and healthier living in such a climate, whilst the quality of life there is also extremely good. Not only are there many great restaurants and many places of interest to visit, but the cost of living in Cyprus is also very reasonable, and its taxation rates very favourable.
The low personal and business taxation rates are another reason why many people choose to live in Cyprus and not only will individuals find that they pay very low levels of tax each year so long as they enlist the help of good Cyprus accountants, but there are also plenty of business opportunities to be found by moving oneself or their company to Cyprus.
Not only are there many business opportunities available in Cyprus itself, but for those doing business in Cyprus there are also plenty of other benefits, such as favourable trade routes to both Europe and the Middle East, the latter being an area that has been thrived despite the recent global economic problems.
With great medical care and cheap housing, there are many reasons why an individual might choose to move to Cyprus, and the way of life and many hours of sunshine may be, to some, merely a great bonus.