Archive Storage
It is legal requirement that your business retains certain records for a minimum period of six years and for businesses that operate within certain industries it may be necessary to store certain types of document for longer. Regardless of legal requirements, offsite document storage is a secure, safe, and reliable means of protecting data as well as your reputation and your clients. Choose a company that provides secure storage as well as features that you require from archive storage.
Off-site storage reduces risk to your business and your data. If there was a fire at your primary office or business place then you stand to lose all of your documents because these too would be caught in the fire. By storing documents off site it is possible to ensure that this is not a problem and that all of your data will remain secure and intact even following the worst possible scenario.
When using off-site storage facilities you do need to ensure that they are secure. In some cases you can find those facilities that offer greater storage than you own office would be able to provide. Security should be provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Access should be restricted to essential personnel only and there should be security measures in place to ensure that your data and documents do not go missing.
Once stored in a secure location, you may need to access your documents. After all, it is your data that is being placed in storage. A cataloguing system may be used so that you can track exactly where certain documents have been placed. This may mean that you are provided with a number or other location identifier and you will be able to use this in order to request that the documents be delivered quickly to your place of business.
Archive storage is a legal requirement for some businesses, and all businesses must secure certain documents for a period of six years. Using of- site storage means that you can implement a disaster recovery plan, ensure the continued security of your data, and protect your reputation while also protecting your clients’ data.