Consumers are turning to the web to buy beauty products
Increasingly, consumers are turning to the web to shop and it seems this is no different when they are on the lookout for body care products. According to research conducted by global strategy consultancy AT Kearney, more than 38 per cent of people who shop online in UK have bought beauty secrets Products and personal […]
Is it Okay for Adults to Wear Braces?
More and more famous names are wearing braces in adulthood, and yet a huge amount of interest is paid to such a thing when they do. So, does all this attention mean that there is something wrong with wearing braces once you get past adolescence, or is it a sign that others simply wish they […]
Pick Up Your Skin After Winter
After another long and harsh winter, we will all be in need of a bit of a mental pick up, something that the first few rays of spring sun are likely to remedy. However, after a long and harsh winter, our minds are not the only things that will be showing the signs of strain.
Distress of male hair loss helped by hair surgery
In years gone by, it was women who paid attention to their appearance, especially when it came to looking after their hair. If women lost their hair, it was particularly distressing for them and caused a loss of confidence and self esteem. These sentiments and feelings are not exclusively held by women and in modern […]
Female hair surgery
Generally speaking, male hair loss is more acceptable within society. Hair loss among women, however, is less forgiving as the glossy magazines indicate; many devoting several pages to hair care. The majority of women take their hair for granted and assume that they will only have to battle grey hairs later on in life. Unfortunately, […]
Hair replacement for men
Male pattern baldness affects over 50 per cent of the male population who are over the age of 50. However, it can also afflict younger men at some stage in their lives. Hair replacement advertisements are now a common sight in society. In past years, men seemed to accept baldness with a resigned inevitability. However, […]