A cat is the perfect pet for busy urban singletons

Not everyone has the ideal set up for for owning some of the more demanding animals. They might live right in the middle of a big city where there aren’t many parks. They might work long hours too and not have that much free time. They can’t be there around the clock to look after […]

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A dog is the most rewarding family pet

As the children get a little bit older it’s time to think seriously about getting a pet. They’re old enough to help out and looking after an animal teaches some great basic life lessons. It’s hugely rewarding too and helps to create lasting memories. Very small children might like a hamster or a rabbit, but […]

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There’s plenty of advice on offer down at the pet shop

So finally the big day rolls around and the family gets to pick up its new puppy. It’s so great to finally bring it home. There’s going to be so much fun, love, laughter and mischief. A new dog is just like a new member of the family. They bring so much joy and give […]

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Supplies and advice down at the pet store

Responsible people do their research first. They don’t just go into a pet store and buy an animal on a whim. Ownership comes with responsibilities that must be taken seriously. That animal’s welfare depends on all of its needs being taken care of, but a pet really adds so much to any kind of household. […]

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Nurture a Kitten into Adulthood with Appropriate Feed

Through their small frame and undoubted appeal, kittens are often admired and craved for by pet owners who wish to look after a lovely animal that can provide the quality of companionship they desire. Although their fluffy and cute nature is instantly appealing to prospective owners, they must realise the heightened importance of their responsibility […]

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A cat is the perfect pet for busy people

People lead busy lives, but it’s still nice to have a companion to love and care for. Not many pets fit in with modern urban living for young singletons, but that’s not to say there isn’t a little furry friend who can fend for itself without the need for constant care and attention. For anyone […]

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