2 mins read

A cat is the perfect pet for busy urban singletons

Not everyone has the ideal set up for for owning some of the more demanding animals. They might live right in the middle of a big city where there aren’t many parks. They might work long hours too and not have that much free time. They can’t be there around the clock to look after an animal companion. But busy urban singletons don’t have to give up on their dream of having a little furry friend.

Cats are ideal pets for busy people. They can be very tactile and loving when they want to be, but they’re also fiercely independent. They can be left all day while people are at work and will happily roam the neighbourhood until their owner comes back.

Sadly many of these adorable animals get abandoned, but thankfully there’s a steady stream of kind hearted people ready to adopt them and give them a new home. Cat ownership is fairly easy and hugely rewarding.

Firstly any new owner needs to get them a bed, a collar and an identity tag just in case they stray a little too far. They might want to add a bell to limit their effectiveness as hunters. These are animals that love to play so a few toys don’t go amiss either.

And that’s pretty much it. These are self sufficient animals, which is what makes them so appealing. The only thing to worry about is their diet. The right mix of wet and dry food will keep them happy. Some animals might be a little bit fussy, but they’ll soon settle into a regular diet.

With a little feline friend there’s a great sense of companionship. It’s so nice to see that friendly face at the end of a long day at work. Sometimes they’ll be out, but equally they’ll love to spend time curled up with their owner.