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Dealing with Female Hair Loss

Whilst hair loss can be very troubling for men who feel that their youth and vitality is disappearing with their hairline, there are also many women who end up having to deal with hair loss too and, for women, the experience can be far more troubling. Whilst it is less common for women to lose their hair, there are still many women who have to go through such a thing and there can be many causes of such a physical change.

Men are almost expected to lose their hair and many will look just fine with a bald head. Some will actually look even better bald than with hair, and a bald head is perceived as a sign of both virility and intelligence amongst men. Women on the other hand often rely on their hair as a sign of beauty and femininity and, as such, women who lose their hair can be totally changed as a result.

From the over use of hair extensions to medical conditions, there are plenty of reasons why women may find that they lose their hair. However, dealing with the problem is a whole different matter.

There are, of course, many options women will have if they lose their hair. From the use of high quality wigs through to the use of head scarves, there are plenty of solutions, but many will come with their own unique problems.

For many women, the best solution will be to have hair surgery. Whilst other options may well help them to deal with the lack of confidence on a short term basis, the likes of wigs can still leave women paranoid that people will know that they are wearing a wig and will be judging them for it. Hair transplants remove this worry and allow any women to grow a natural, full head of hair and one that she can use to help her look as feminine and beautiful as possible at all times.