Hair replacement options for women
The loss of hair is a traumatic experience which can affect self-esteem and confidence, particularly among women. There is tremendous pressure to look younger and more attractive and having lustrous hair is a major part of this. Lots of women with thick healthy hair take it for granted, but for those unfortunate enough to have thinning hair or extensive hair loss, personality can be affected. An extrovert person may become very self-conscious and withdrawn and this psychological change can affect both work and home life.
Non-surgical hair loss treatment is available with topical minoxidil (Rogaine). It is not a guaranteed route and should be seen as a lifetime commitment if any regrowth is to be sustained. It is not a complete cure for all hair loss and results will vary from one person to another.
In some situations, hair transplant surgery is the only option for hair replacement. The procedure tends to be very successful but a hair transplant is not suitable for all women. Although more usually associated with male hair loss, women who have an ‘M’ pattern loss in their hairline, together with frontal temporal corners, have been shown to make ideal candidates for successful hair transplant surgery.
If it is deemed appropriate, female hair transplantation is carried out by micro follicular grafting. Sometimes, more than one surgical procedure may be necessary depending on the severity and region of hair loss. However, women who decide to have hair transplant surgery must be made aware that there are surgical limitations based on their individual circumstances; this may result in smaller areas of hair loss being addressed to maximise the aesthetic result. Hair transplant procedures can also mask scars left from cosmetic surgical procedures such as brow and face lifts.
Successful hair transplant surgery can transform lives, allowing women to regain their confidence and self-esteem.