House Move Storage reduces the stress out of moving home
What is House Move Storage?
House move storage allows home-owners and tenants to store their valuable possessions in a safe, secure environment, taking some of the stress out of moving home. Instead of moving everything into a new home in one go, it is often easier to move things gradually over a number of days – allowing furniture and other possessions to be safely positioned in their new home, without their being countless boxes scattered all around. For those who are moving into smaller accommodation for definite periods of time, it is common to use medium or long term storage facilities for possessions such as larger pieces of furniture.
What do I need to consider when using House Move Storage facilities?
Size. It is really important to know how much space you are going to need to store your possessions. It is always better to overestimate the amount of space you will need, rather than underestimating – it is surprising how many people work out the required floor space with precision, but completely forget that they might want to access something at the back of the storage unit after they have loaded it. It is sensible to store your possession on either side of the storage unit, leaving a corridor down the centre. Access is also critical. Many house move storage options require you to navigate corridor after corridor before you reach your storage unit. If you have large, heavy furniture, it is advisable to look for a storage provider where you can drive right up to your storage unit.
Where is the best House Move Storage provider around Milton Keynes?’s house move storage facility is conveniently located in Broughton Ground Business Park, near to Milton Keynes and is monitored 24/7 with state-of-the-art monitoring and CCTV systems. All storage units are individually locked, and only the customer has the key. Access to the facility is by secure key-pad entry, so only bona fide customers can access the area containing storage units. If you want to find out more about the house move storage services offers, visit their website today at
House Move Storages by We are located in Broughton Grounds Business Park close to Milton Keynes and we provide secure self storage solutions for home or business for the surrounding areas of Beds and Bucks.. Visit their website today if you’re looking for Self Storage.