2 mins read

Spending Time with Friends is Important for Our Health

We all know that spending time with loved ones and those we care about will lift our mood, but strangely it may also boost our health quite significantly too. Furthermore, even those who are living far away from their friends or loved ones for long periods of time may find that simply being around people is enough to boost long term health.

The reasons for this are numerous and not only are physical pain and mental pain very much linked, but the more time you spend with people, the more healthy your body will be. The reason for the improved long term health is the fact that, when one is surrounded by people and feels comfortable around others, the body prepares itself to deal with viral diseases instead of bacterial ones. When the body prepares itself for bacterial diseases (as experienced by those who do not spend much time around others), it is also far more prone to developing the likes of cancer and Alzheimer’s.

So, it is official, friends help us live longer. Therefore, taking the time to do unique and fun things with friends will be very important. For those who need a reason to spend time with others, organising days out or taking a hot air balloon experience will be more than enough to warrant spending some time with those closest to us, and by making sure we have such days out regularly we are likely to be happier and healthier in the long run.

Furthermore, when we are happy around friends and loved ones, physical pain is likely to hurt less as the same receptors are stimulated in both physical and mental pain meaning that merely having people around when we are in pain will act as a type of analgesic.

Therefore, treating yourself and loved ones to days out or hot air balloon experiences isn’t just about splashing cash and having a treat; instead, such things also officially keep us healthier and happier too and so such treats are vital for our long term wellbeing.