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Top Tips for Breaking Free from Bankruptcy

Bankruptcycan be a stressful experience but it does not have to taint your life forever. There are ways you can break free from bankruptcy and put this unpleasant experience behind you.

1. Debt Free Life

The first step you need to take is to identify the factors that got you into debt in the first place. In many cases people live beyond their means and this means taking out credit products to support their lifestyle. You may have to cut your spending and reduce the luxuries in your life in order to live off your income.

This does not mean you can’t treat yourself now and again but it does mean taking a more responsible and realistic approach to your spending. This should help you to work free from bankruptcy and avoid serious debt in the future.

2. Managing Your Income

Under your bankruptcy terms you may be required to make monthly payments to your creditors from your income. The courts will try and decide a realistic and manageable amount for you to pay and this could last up to three years. Therefore it is very important you manage your income to avoid falling into debt again.

· During bankruptcy you need to cut out all unnecessary spending. This means no meals out, luxury purchases, excessive travelling or holidays.

· This can be tough but it is essential so that you can be sure you have enough money for your basic living costs, household bills and bankruptcy repayments.

· Once you have met these essential costs than any money you have left over you can save up for special occasions.

· You must manage your income carefully if you want to break free from bankruptcy and not fall into debt again.

Bankruptcycan offer you a way out of serious debt and relieve the stress this can put on your life. However it is not a miracle cure for debt. Bankruptcy can leave lasting effects on your life so it is important to be realistic about it. By working hard and managing your incomings and outgoings more effectively you can work towards a debt free future.


Get as much expert help and support as you need to deal with bankruptcy . There are many professional debt advisors out there who can offer advice on breaking free from debt and straightening out your finances.