What Do Safety Consultants Do?
As a business, (if you have 5 or more employees), you’ll need to have the following health and safety precautions in place: suitable health and safety training, a written health and safety policy and a health and safety manual. As a small business, you might baulk at these responsibilities, however they’re very important, and a key way to ensure the safety of employees as they work.
The challenges involved in ensuring that your business meets health and safety regulations can be difficult to overcome, especially if you are a new or smaller business. However, these challenges can be overcome more easily with the help of a health and safety consultancy, who will be able to give your business a “leg-up” to a more rigorous health and safety infrastructure.
What happens if you don’t comply?
Non compliance with health and safety legislation isn’t an option. There are various repercussions against non-compliance, from heavy, unlimited fines to jail sentences to the disqualifications of directors. Essentially, non compliance with health and safety regulations harms employees and your business.
What does a safety consultancy do?
As a small or medium enterprise you might not have the lee-way to employ a full time health and safety advisor. There may be a cost barrier involved. A health and safety consultancy is a great alternative, and as opposed to paying them a salary you are paying for specific services. These key services include performing inspections, and ensuring you will pass inspections, helping you produce health and safety policies and ensuring your staff have the adequate amount of training.
Health and safety will always be important, and it will always be important to ensure your business is safe and healthy within current legislations.