Security Industry Approved (SIA) Security Training Courses

Looking for a new career? There are a whole range of jobs within the Security Industry but before looking for a security job you need to be fully qualified and licenced by the SIA. The Security Industry Authority (SIA) is responsible for regulating the private security industry. The SIA regulates the private security industry and […]

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Additional SIA training needed for door staff

There are a great number of people working as Door Supervisors these days, with clubs, pubs and bars increasingly concerned with protecting their customers and their premises. However, door supervisors in the UK need to ensure their security training is up to scratch, as a new restriction comes into force from the government. New award […]

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Change direction thanks to maritime training

In a world of heightened tensions there’s a greater need than ever before for qualified security personnel. While people who work in this industry have core skills that they can use in a variety of situations, they need to adapt to each new environment that they work in. Their base knowledge is a great starting […]

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Former addicts set up theatre group

Going through a drug or alcohol detox and staying clean in the weeks, months and years that follow is not easy, but two men from the south-west of England have found a way of keeping their focus and resolve. Louis Coleman and Antony Evans met while at rehab and they have since set up a […]

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Get back on track with a Wimbledon physio

The fitness boom is evident all over south west London. Go out on any night of the week and there’ll be runners pounding the pavement, office workers letting off steam with personal trainers in the park and people playing sports like football, touch rugby and tennis. It’s great to see so many active people getting […]

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Exciting hotel openings for the year ahead

It is no surprise that many people sign up to hotel management courses in London and elsewhere. This industry can be hugely rewarding to work in and if individuals strive for the top and enjoy success, they can also benefit from lucrative roles. All around the world, there are many planned openings of hotels and […]

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