Work first aid training rules to change

Employers must keep on top of their duties when it comes to first aid at work. If they do not ensure that effective procedures are in place, they risk the wellbeing of their staff members and they also put themselves in danger of potentially costly and damaging legal proceedings. The fact is, it is impossible […]

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Coach wants youngsters to be taught life savings skills

When medical emergencies occur, it is vital that there are people around with the necessary skills and knowledge to offer effective assistance. In certain cases, the presence of someone like this can save a life. One man who is promoting first aid training among youngsters is football coach Peter Bates. One of the boys he […]

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New drivers encouraged to be safer on the roads

Individuals who have taken driving lessons Croydon and elsewhere may be interested in a new competition designed to make new road users safer behind the wheel. The Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service (GMFRS) is running a Drive Pledge multimedia competition and the winner will receive a block of Pass Plus driving lessons. To be […]

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The Importance of Exuding Confidence during a Business Presentation

Presentations have long remained an integral aspect of business as a means of discussing company performance and establishing, or maintaining, strong relationships with business partners and clients. They are an effective method of gathering personnel from a single company or members from both sides of a business partnership within one room to discuss business matters, […]

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The Importance of Theoretical and Practical-Based First Aid Training

Establishing and maintaining safety measures in work environments is of paramount importance to any company across the United Kingdom who wishes to operate in a safe and efficient manner. Although potential hazards and risks are commonplace within all walks of life, the workplace arguably provides the greatest danger through the use of heavy machinery, dangerous […]

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Why Financial Advisors are About to Be Back in Demand

For years now, investors have been scared of putting too much money into stocks and shares or of investing heavily in almost any financial area. As such, financial advisors have had a tough time, struggling to make people invest in the most profitable revenues and instead finding that those seeking their advice are simply sticking […]

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