The art of effective translation
Many individuals and businesses around the world make use of translation services and as long as they know where to look, they can benefit from competitive translation rates. By sourcing cheap translation, they can ensure they have more money left over to spend on other things.
However, it is also important that people choose reliable service providers. After all, there is a fine art to work of this kind and not everyone has the knowledge, skills and experience required.
Drawing attention to the complexities of translation, comedian Eddie Izzard recently spoke about his experiences in the field of comedy. Earlier this year, he performed his show Stripped in French at the Theatre de Dix Heures in Paris. He later took the show to Los Angeles, the Independent reports.
Speaking to the publication, Izzard revealed that he experienced problems early on when he was trying to convert his jokes into another language.
He remarked: “When I first did it, I got someone in my manager’s office to transcribe the whole… thing [into French] from the audio version, and I got this massive tome and I thought – I’m not even going to begin to do that.
“What I have done is taken my French, which was eight years at school, and been pushing that. I sat down with teachers, and I said, ‘This is what I want to say. How do I say that in French?’.”
One of the skills of effective translations is adapting material so that it makes perfect sense in the target language.
Luckily for firms and individuals, it is now straightforward to access professional services that are not only accurate, but are also impressive in terms of translation rates. Particularly now, given the tough economic conditions affecting the UK and many other countries around the world, it is particularly important for people to be able to access cheap translation services.
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