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What is Your Dog Eating?

You know exactly what your dog is eating right? Well, there is a good chance that this is wrong in many respects. Not only is your pooch more than likely nabbing as many scraps as they can when your back is turned, but even those who are very strict on not letting their pet eat random bits and pieces may not be entirely sure what is going inside their pet since very few pet foods are totally transparent about what they contain.

The right dog food is extremely important for a dog’s healthy development and even their mood. Not only might the wrong food exacerbate certain conditions within your pet, but poor quality foods are likely to contain numerous fillers that are of no nutritional benefit whatsoever and by offering such food to your pet, you may well be feeding them what is the equivalent of us eating burgers every single day.

Furthermore, there are plenty of pets who are allowed outside on their own and here it can be very easy for your dog to be eating some very unsavoury things. For example, may dogs seem to be coprophilic and whilst you may have been told that the consummation of faeces is unlikely to harm your pet, there may still be certain parasites within waste matter that could cause your pet many issues.

As such, it is wise to get the very best dog food as early as possible in your pet’s development and to avoid allowing them to eat any other treats. The less food they develop a taste for, the less likely they are to constantly try to eat things that could be bad for them. Furthermore, with good quality foods on offer they will simply be happy to eat until they are full and in turn be less likely to eat any old thing they happen to find.