Getting The Benefits of Flexitime Without Increasing Administration
Studies have shown that the implementation of a flexitime system leads to a more satisfied and less stressed workforce able to work more intensely and efficiently. Allowing staff to work at hours which suit their busy lives also attracts a wider range of potential employees and makes your existing employees more loyal to the company. More and more companies are realising the benefits of a flexible time system, but the only drawback is the increase in administration caused by trying to manually keep track of where employees are and whether they have completed their allotted hours. One way to overcome this problem and ensure you get the full benefits of a flexible time system is the use of time management software that does all the time consuming calculations for you.
Electronic time recording systems use robust and reliable badge readers to record information about individuals clocking in and out across the whole of your business, whether you have 50 or 1000 employees, negating the need for anyone to collate such data manually. Furthermore, this information can be automatically transferred to payroll and personnel systems, reducing even further the time you or your employees have to spend on paperwork.
One of the best things about time attendance software is that it can be adjusted to take account of your company’s rules and rota system to ensure it only reports anomalies based on your own particular procedures. Rather than having to trawl through endless excel spreadsheet, you will instantly notice in a daily, monthly or weekly report – depending on your preference – which employees are not working according to any rules that apply to them.
It is a system where everyone wins; you can keep an eye on staff movements far more easily and save money on administration, and your staff enjoy a system that allows them to work far more flexibly, subsequently leaving them less stressed and potentially increasing efficiency and reducing absenteeism.