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How Easy is it for Gay and Lesbian Couples to Have a Child?

It may seem to be far harder for gay and lesbian couples to have a child than any normal couple due to certain biological issues, but in reality many straight couples are struggling to conceive every single day. In same sex relationships, it may also be just as easy for both partners to be involved in the process too, with women now being able to seek sperm donors and use IVF treatment to inseminate an egg from one partner to be carried to term in the other.

In other words, whilst there may be a few more obstacles to overcome when a gay or lesbian couple tries for a baby, there are still plenty of options available to couples and in certain cases it may actually be even easier for such couples to get a child of their own than it will be for straight couples who are coping with fertility problems.

With less social stigma for children of same sex couples and with the internet now allowing sperm donors to get in touch directly with families that may be a perfect match for them, it has never been easier for single sex couples to have a child they crave, and whilst the adoption process may still be fraught with problems, seeking free sperm donors or even egg donors can be very simple indeed.

For those single sex couples looking into the possibility of having a child, there will be many potential avenues and whilst fostering and adoption are still open to such couples the process can be a great deal longer and more problematic than simply looking into surrogacy or even finding people to donate sperm and eggs.

Ultimately, with the right approach it may be very easy for a single sex couple to get the child they have always wanted, and in many ways, due to the fertility screening process, it may end up being a more simple and less stressful process than the process a great deal of straight couples go through.