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Improve Training Techniques With Video Mystery Shopping

Video is an all important aspect when it comes to mystery shopping UK. Without it businesses will lose vital information that could inform them about brand visibility and perception, the layout of their facilities as well as the performance of staff who run front line customer facing services. What’s more, video can then form the basis of training and should show the proper way to do things and the wrong way. Seeing a model employee in action is a great bonus since it becomes so much easier to learn from for new members of staff. This can increase productivity sooner.

Mystery shopping companies should offer high definition video where possible since this will give the resolutions at which the maximum amount of data can be taken in. It isn’t always easy to judge just how a shop, for instance, is perceived when initially entering. A customer looking for advice may not be approached for some time during which they could lose interest or decide that they’d be better off elsewhere. Being able to turn that potential into a conversion is why mystery shopping companies exist. They should also provide an accurate gauge of body language which can only be understood in video. While an employee might say everything right, they may not present themselves properly, being slouchy or unconcerned about the customer’s satisfaction. Being able to tell how employees carry and express the brand and its values is incredibly important, and for mystery shopping UK, video is essential to tackling it.

The video recording techniques should also be as discreet and concealed as possible, since if an employee knows that the customer is from a mystery shopping company, results can be invalidated. The best companies will make this data available as soon as possible through an online portal that is ideally branded for training purposes.