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Keeping up to Date with Changing Licensing Laws

Free houses will have a far tougher time keeping up to date with changes to legislation and licensing laws than brewery-owned pubs will. Whilst there are many benefits to being a free house and being able to offer any alcoholic beverage that will most appeal to your own particular clientele, not having a major corporation behind you can leave you far worse off when it comes to implementing necessary changes and even in some cases simply finding out about such changes.

As such, it is wise to regularly search online to see whether or not any laws have been implemented or regulations changed that could affect your business. Small changes in legislation are taking place all the time and the majority of such changes will not affect individual businesses. However, certain changes could make a huge difference, some for the worse and some for the better, and being prepared for such changes is just as important as actually knowing about them.

Speaking to licensing solicitors periodically may also help. Particularly when it is time to renew your license. Ensuring that you are currently conducting every part of your business in the most efficient and legally competent way will make a big difference to whether or not you are successful in renewing your license.

Any business that needs any type of alcohol or entertainment’s license should also make sure they know whose responsibility it is to keep on top of such changes to legislation. It is easy to not put such a thing in anyone’s job description and for individuals to all assume that someone else will be monitoring the legal landscape for things that may affect them. By nominating a specific person to do periodic research and converse with the right organisations, you are far more likely to be covered for all eventualities.