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Space Saving Solutions for a Small Kitchen

It may seem like a dealbreaker when you are looking for a new home, but a small kitchen does not need to be a major problem. Yes, it is nice to have a great big kitchen to dance around in but if the rest of a house is perfect for your every need, try not to let a slightly cosy cooking area put you off straight away and first consider some innovative ways to make the most of the space available. A quick online search will reveal the huge number of space-saving devices available for the smaller kitchen. And you may well find later that you are happy not to have a bigger space to clean.

One simple tip is to keep stacking upwards. Most kitchen units do not go all the way to the ceiling, leaving an unutilised space that can be filled with either more cabinets or some shelves. Obviously this area is less easily reachable (which is why cabinets are not normally fitted to the ceiling), but for kitchen utensils you do not use on a regular basis or clutter that needs tidying out of sight, higher extra cabinets are a viable storage solution.

Another solution is to utilise some innovative wire shelving solutions, such as those offered by Metaltex UK. Lightweight and easy to fit, these products can be attached to the wall or clip on underneath existing shelves to create storage space where you probably did not think any was possible.

Many companies offering storage solutions, including Metaltex, offer a range of rolling trolleys, available with 3, 4 or 5 tiers, which are a great way of storing 3, 4 or 5 times more items in the same amount of space. These trolleys are stylish to look at and practical to move around, with the option of wheels, making them the perfect addition to any kitchen.

With all the different space saving devices available, it is possible to turn the seemingly unsolvable problem of a small kitchen into an opportunity to show off some innovative skills and decorating flair.