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What is the Most Humane Way to Get Rid of Pests?

When you have pests in your home, it is well worth looking into the most humane ways to get rid of such animals. However, for many, the recurrent problem they face and the fact that removing such pests just leaves room for more to fill their space can lead them to have to look at other options.

Should there be mice in your home, the first thing you will need to do is to set mouse traps to catch them. There will be numerous different types available and whilst there are humane ones, there will also be those that simply kill such a creature instantly, and either of these will be less cruel than options that will see them suffering.

Once you have used a trap or even mouse poison to get rid of your current rodent squatters, the most humane way to deal with a pest problem is to simply remove the potential for pests to get into your home.

The things that the likes of mice are most looking for when they enter your home are food and shelter, so keep all rubbish bags tightly sealed in impenetrable containers and be sure not to leave any food lying about that mice or rats could access.

The next thing to do is to reduce the chances of such pests getting in. For this it is wise to seal even the smallest of cracks with mortar or with hardware cloth, and to ensure that trees are trimmed so that branches are not coming too close to your property. Try to keep the area around your home clean and tidy to reduce the places in which rodents might be able to hide or nest, and inside the house try not to stack items on the floor, but instead make sure you have plenty of shelving storage.

Such a simple approach should be all it takes to totally remove any pest problem you might have.